Answers to Common Questions Our Patients Ask Us

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Common Questions Our Patients Ask UsSPEAR Physiotherapist Julia Answers Your Questions the likelihood of hamstring injuries and be better prepared for the season ahead. In clinic, there are a handful of questions we seem to be asked frequently – with misconceptions and/or misinformation (thanks to Dr. Google!) that potentially come with these. I thought it […]

Hamstring Injury Prevention: Advice for a Successful Season

Hamstring Injury Prevention

Preseason is a critical period  as it sets the foundation for the upcoming season. This phase however poses an increased risk to injury as workload on the muscles are suddenly increased or changed after a period of rest from the sport. Hamstring injuries are one of the most common injuries in preseason football and is also the […]

Expert Tips to Prevent Gardening Injuries

Expert Tips

How do we best look after our Back and Shoulders? Despite a recent cold spell, things are starting to grow again in the garden. and we are thinking of outside jobs that need done. When we are doing activities that we do not do on a regular basis we need to be mindful of how […]

Can Some Joints Move Too Much?

Move Too Much

Some people have 1 or 2 joints that move too much due to previous injury / trauma e.g. knees and shoulders, whilst there are others that are diagnosed with Hypermobility (which means lots of joints are too mobile). Some sports and activities require you to have lots of movement and Hypermobility is often prevalent in gymnasts and dancers. However, with […]

Identifying and Preventing Common Childhood Growing Injuries

Common Childhood Growing Injuries

Children can often suffer from growing pains – experienced when the long bones of the body (arms, legs, etc) physically outgrow the muscles covering those bones. The tightness in the muscles pulls where they attach to the bones, and pain is experienced. Active children (particularly in high impact sports on harder surfaces) can suffer a more […]

Get Back in the Game: Exercise for Returning to Racquet Sports!

Get Back in the Game

Have you recently started a new sport or activity but want to accelerate your progress? (i.e. crush your opponents – there’s no hiding here, I see your competitive edge) Or perhaps you’ve been doing a particular sport for a while and want to take it to the next level? Well you’re in luck because at […]

We made the News!

We made the News!

Aberdeen-based physiotherapy practice, SPEAR Physiotherapy has announced significant business growth as they celebrate their 21st anniversary. Over the last 12 months, the clinic has experienced a 20% growth in numbers of patients, with them now seeing more than 1000 patients each month.  This growth has resulted in them expanding the team, adding four new physiotherapists in […]

The Importance of Movement Quality

The Importance of Movement Quality

Have you been working on your joints and muscles to move better but are not seeing the results you would expect? Do you get aches or niggles but continue to push through hoping it will go away on its own? When it comes to exercise, we often think that doing more reps or lifting heavier […]

Neurological Physiotherapy – Revolutionising Rehabilitation

Neurological Physiotherapy – Revolutionising Rehabilitation

Most of us take our brains for granted and assume it will continue its amazing job generally unappreciated. Unfortunately, when a brain injury occurs, or disease affects the central nervous system we suddenly realise that we, as human beings, are run by a super computer. Scientists have described the brain as the most complex thing […]