Running Tips For A Successful Race Day

Pre Race Tips In preparation for your race, fueling is key. Carbohydrates are essential to prevent hitting the dreaded “wall,” so opt for foods like porridge or toast for breakfast the morning before your run. It’s advisable to consume your pre-race meal at least an hour before your run to allow for proper digestion. As […]
Master Marathon Running: Your Ultimate A-Z Guide

I love Running. Over the past few years I have been gathering information that should hopefully help in your preparation for the marathon. Below is my A-Z of marathon training. I hope you enjoy learning about the marathon as much as I did. A – Accountability: Find a running buddy, join a running group, or […]
Discover the Health Benefits of Walking
Did you get your steps in today? With Spring (hopefully) round the corner we can start thinking about enjoying the outdoors again. We’ve all heard of the 10’000 steps a day challenge, even our phones and watches send us regular reminders to “get up and move!”. But why? Why is walking so important to our […]
Post-run recovery tips.
In the SPEAR Physiotherapy clinics, we spend as much time talking to our patients about recovery and injury prevention as we do fixing them or working with an existing injury. This is never more an important time than after a race or long run, such as the recent Great Aberdeen Run, to talk about run recovery! […]
Great Aberdeen Run – goal setting and top tips for race day.
Taking part in the Great Aberdeen Run in August? SPEAR Physio:Run Physio, James talks us through goal setting and top tips for race day in our latest blog. We have just passed the 2 month mark for the Great Aberdeen Run on Sunday, 25 August. As in less than 2 months to go until both the 10k and […]
Barefoot running: reduced or increased risk of injury?
Earlier in the month, the SPEAR physiotherapy team had a CPD session in the Aberdeen Sports Village Clinic; subject? Barefoot running. Our physiotherapy student, Eilidh, hosted the session as we discussed the pros and cons of barefoot running; and most importantly, the science and research behind this. Eilidh wrote this blog for us after the CPD […]
Top 5 reasons you need a physio run assessment.
It’s common knowledge that when something continually hurts during a running training programme or you sustain an injury, you will probably need to see a physio… but did you know that a running assessment would actually help you during your training and on race day and could be a really good reason to see a […]
The benefits of Move-Ment
This year, SPEAR Sports Injury and Physiotherapy helped you Move-More in November! It is a common goal for our physiotherapists across all the SPEAR services as we aim to keep you moving and facilitate move(ment) in recovery and rehabilitation. We spoke to SPEAR physiotherapist, James who runs our SPEAR:Run, on the benefits of movement and […]
Physio:Run and some of your favourite running apps
With the modernisation of running, there certainly are a lot of apps out there that can help with your training! An app not only helps monitor distance or pace but some of them can map your run, help with motivation, monitor load and over training, build up a network of running buddies or help you […]