Why Stretching is Making a Come Back?

Should we Stretch? Stretching has become less popular in recent years. Those of you who are as old as me, may recall incorporating a significant amount of stretching into their warm-up routines. Nowadays, stretching is not commonly included in warm-ups and is often replaced by active movements. Additionally, foam rolling has become a common substitute for […]
Hamstring Injury Prevention: Advice for a Successful Season

Preseason is a critical period as it sets the foundation for the upcoming season. This phase however poses an increased risk to injury as workload on the muscles are suddenly increased or changed after a period of rest from the sport. Hamstring injuries are one of the most common injuries in preseason football and is also the […]
Your Ultimate Guide to Returning to the Gym: Part 1
At this time of year, when the nights are darker and the days colder, lots of people are returning to the gym. Strengthening has been well established, both in the literature and anecdotally, as an aid to performance regardless of the goal. No matter your age, sex, sport, or desired outcome – appropriate strengthening will […]
Preventing Knee Pain in Active Lifestyles
Regardless of your age, pain at the front of the knee or below the knee-cap is extremely common in active people! Unfortunately, knee pain can be persistent and compromise physical activity and sports performance by impacting the ability to jump, run and change direction. It is thus one of the most common reasons for why […]
Debunking the “Good Posture” Myth
Most of us are aware that our posture is a contributory factor to desk-related aches and pains. And many of us equate “good posture” to sitting up straight with our shoulders back while we work on our computers all day. But let me ask a question: how long are you able hold this “good posture” […]
Physio Bikefit Stretching Recommendations
SPEAR Sports Injury and Physiotherapy offer a physio bikefit service, run by chartered physiotherapist, Ashley Armstrong. In this blog, Ashley shares the benefits of warming up before a cycling session and highlights the main reasons why a cool down is just as important! A warm up and cool down is beneficial when doing any form […]