Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating a variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin with needles. A number of our Physiotherapists are trained in acupuncture. The Chinese philosophy behind acupuncture is a bit more complicated, as the ancient practice isn’t traditionally based in science and medicine.
The philosophy is based on the body’s ‘qi’, which is the body’s equilibrium or balance. When the body’s ‘qi’ is flowing incorrectly (deficit or blocked) illness or injury can occur in the body. Acupuncture aims to restore the balance in the body and the flow of the ‘qi’. Interestingly the acupuncture meridians are aligned with the body’s nerves.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Effective for various types of pain, including chronic back pain, arthritis, and migraines, by promoting the release of endorphins.
Helps regulate the body’s stress response, promoting relaxation and improving mental well-being.
Aids in treating insomnia by addressing underlying issues like stress and pain.
Promotes healing by reducing inflammation and enhancing blood flow, making it beneficial in sports medicine.
Addresses physical, emotional, and mental well-being, promoting natural healing.
Dry needling is similar but different to acupuncture. It is used by Acupuncturists and Physiotherapists to specifically treat musculoskeletal pain and movement problems. With this technique, a provider inserts thin needles into or near your trigger points. The needles stimulate your muscles, which causes them to contract or twitch.
This helps relieve pain and improve your range of motion. It’s almost always used as part of a larger treatment plan that could include exercise, stretching, massage and other techniques.
Benefits of Dry Needling
Targets trigger points to reduce pain and stimulate endorphin release.
Reduces muscle tension, enhancing flexibility and joint mobility.
Alleviates muscle spasms and tightness, promoting relaxation.
Improves blood flow and reduces inflammation, aiding recovery from injuries.
Better movement patterns for daily activities and athletic performance.
At our physiotherapy clinics, we specialise in a wide range of conditions, providing personalised rehabilitation programs designed for effective recovery. Our expertise includes:
At SPEAR, our physiotherapy clinics are dedicated to providing personalised care for every injury. Our goal is to help you achieve optimal recovery and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
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